You searched for Yamaha XT - Europe largest directory Cafe Racers, Scramblers, Bratstyles & other Custom Bikes. Mon, 15 Jan 2024 13:17:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Transpirenaica Chronicles: Riding the Pyrenees – A Symphony of Iron, Rain, and Resilience Fri, 12 Jan 2024 17:51:42 +0000 In the early glow of a summer morning in mid June, 12 people met at a filling station in Berlin. After filling our tanks and our bellies, we set out towards Kassel, final destination: the 12th edition of Wheels & Waves in Biarritz, France. The crew astride their iron steeds, including three Ducati’s, BMW’s, [...]

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In the early glow of a summer morning in mid June, 12 people met at a filling station in Berlin. After filling our tanks and our bellies, we set out towards Kassel, final destination: the 12th edition of Wheels & Waves in Biarritz, France. The crew astride their iron steeds, including three Ducati’s, BMW’s, Triumphs, Honda’s, Royal Enfield, Moto Guzzi, and two sponsored Moto Morini’s (read our first ride review of the Seiemmezzo SCR).

Photo: Cäthe Pfläging

The unifying factor for this random collection of bikes: Craftwerk Berlin. Craftwerk is a community garage where members can store their motorcycles, do regular (supervised) maintenance, build their custom bikes, and enjoy a range of motorcycle related events, including ride-outs, workshops, and motoGP and documentary screenings. It includes an event space that can be rented and doubles as a museum, as well as a cafe that is also open to the public. If you find yourself in Berlin, this place comes highly recommended. One of the founders and one member put their heads together and planned this trip to Biarritz and dubbed it “Transpirenaica”. Why? Because we would make tracks across the southern, Spanish Pyrenees from the Mediterranean coast to the Atlantic coast and back along the northern, French side. 

Photo: Janna Strauss

The first leg, Berlin-Kassel, was uneventful, except for a rogue exhaust baffle that was McGyvered back into the exhaust with a paperclip. The route took us via the Bauhaus Museum in Dessau for a cultural coffee stop and through the Harz Mountains National Park to balance out the Autobahn kilometers. In Kassel, Rudi and his bus were waiting for us. A strategically timed bus to expedite the transport of the 12 and their motorcycles to Perpignan. Two more people arrived by train, they would be driving the support vehicle. While loading the motorcycles, the group enjoyed a lavish filling station dinner on the pavement, before the 14 embarked on the bus and tried to get some shuteye. 18h later, we disembarked in the south of France and gave our bikes and luggage a once-over. One of the oldies required its tappet clearances proofed and head studs retorqued, making it the second “repair” within 500km. Here, another Triumph plus rider from Vienna joined us.

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

From Perpignan we set out via the country roads into the hills to have lunch at le Donjon de Pyrepertuse in Duilhac-sous-Peyrepertuse. After refueling the humans, the curvy roads of the Pyrenees took us through de Gorges de Galamus, with its steep cliffs cut by the rivers deep down below and a road hacked into the canyon walls with dramatic overhangs, riding this narrow road send the heart racing while dropping your jaw in awe. The contrast when going over Col d’Ares, across the border into Spain, was stark. Whereas the canyon is enclosed and narrow, the views from the mountains are wide and far. We overnighted at the campsite Vall de Camprodon. Here, we were united with an additional 3 riders who made their own way south with the support van, loaded with a Yamaha, Rieju, and a BMW. Having a support van would soon prove to be the smartest decision of the entire trip. Earlier, we got separated from the Guzzi that had ignition issues, but made its way to the campsite with a hand drawn paper map. It sure helps when you speak Spanish fluently. 

Photo: Cäthe Pfläging

The next morning we left for Montardit de Baix, via Castellar de n’Hug and Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park. We had divided the group into two smaller groups based on riding skills, which eased the riding, yet complicated the logistics. Windy roads, up and down mountains were a welcome change from the straight roads we usually ride around Berlin.

Photo: Cäthe Pfläging

Next morning, after a breakfast of toasted sandwiches, croissants, coffees, and orange juice, we set out for some more mountain passes. Unfortunately, the Moto Guzzi stayed behind, again. Though this time something had gone missing… the ignition key. Searching every pocket, trousers and jacket, twice, and after unloading and repacking the van, twice, and searching through all the camping gear, the decision was made to load the Guzzi into the van and catch up with the rest of the group. Meanwhile, atop a mountain, one of the other riders was rather surprised to find an unfamiliar key in a jacket pocket… Black leather jacket surely do look alike when the sun has gone down.

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

The third night we stayed in Boltaña. We caught a little bit of rain that day, and we moped about Spanish summer weather. Little did we know what tomorrow would have in store for us. 

After a peaceful sleep, the skies had cleared up a bit, and we happily got on our bikes for more windy roads. We tracked through beautiful gorges and over mountain passes with stunning views. The weather, however, was not on our side that day. We barely saw the sun, and the clouds grew a deeper grey. The groups got further split up, and I was in a group of four tracking north through the valleys towards camping Asolaze in Isaba. As the rain got more intense, we missed a turnoff and rode all the way to the end of the valley in what had become a torrential downpour. On the side of the pavement, small rivers of murky yellowish brown water had started to flow. More than once we saw the front wheel dip into a puddle up to the axle. At the end of the road we spotted an inn, we made it!
Except, the inn was not Asolaze, it was the Linza Inn, one valley east of where we needed to be, separated by a 1500m tall mountain. So we had to track back half an hour, ride over the mountain pass, and north again in the next valley. The 20km that normally takes less than half an hour, now took 45 min. The rain persisted and the insoles of my boots were drenched, water had gotten in everywhere. Rain gear is only water proof until it is not. Luckily we all made it to Asolaze without any incidents or accidents, and warm tapas awaited us. Another sponsored bike, a BMW R18 ridden by the mind behind North of Berlin motorcycle gear, joined us here. 

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

No rides were planned for the next day, so everybody was free to decide whether they would ride somewhere, or relax and dry their clothes. A few made tracks into the mountains to the Canfranc hotel in the Aragon valley. The former train station, built in 1928 on the border of France and Spain, stood abandoned from 1970 until in early 2023, when it welcomed its first guests as a hotel. A great stop for photos or a coffee.
Half of the group tracked back to the gorge south of Ansó to shoot photo and video for the various motorcycle, gear, and helmet sponsors. Shooting video while riding the two Moto Morini and the two BMWs was fun! Contrary to the day before, it was a right scorcher! Over 30 degrees Celsius is comfortable at the beach or manageable while riding, but standing in the bright sun in a full North of Berlin suit or Rusty Stitches denim and leather gear is another story.

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

At the end of the day, everybody rode to the top of the pass for a sunset and picnic dinner. The road conditions were excellent, the curves exciting, yet fog obscured the view and dinner was postponed. The last rider joined the group here, atop a stunning Ducati 999S, now totalling 18 people.

Photo: Cäthe Pfläging

Photo: Casper van der Ven

The next morning we set out for our destination: Biarritz! Due to the recurring ignition difficulties with the Guzzi, and a worn rear tyre on a Ducati, a small subgroup set out to San Sebastián to find a motorcycle shop. While the shop changed the tyre, the boys got their tools out and had a go at adjusting the Guzzi’s points and timing. They were rewarded with a sunset on the beach, a couple of beers, and the local specialty plates of food to share, pintxos, or Basque tapas. Think deep fried potatoes (Krokettas), battered meatballs (Bolas de Carne), and omelets (pintxos de tortilla). Ádamo is famous for theirs. Since it was the night before the summer solstice, or San Juan Eguna, local artists performed on a stage on the Padre Claret square next to Zurriola beach and the entire town danced the traditional folk dances into the night around a huge fire. The atmosphere was simultaneously ecstatic and relaxed, without having that all too familiar tacky tourist vibe. The Guzzi remained in San Sebastián. This time not due to technical difficulties, but because the rider gifted this motorcycle to his father, who resides here and has been considering getting back in the saddle. What a wonderful gesture!

Our base in Biarritz was at Camping Erreka, a central point to enjoy the festivities around Wheels & Waves. We went to the flat track races in San Sebastián, the concerts and vendor show at the Cité de l’Océan in Biarritz, and spent a day on the beach to rest our bodies after a week of riding all day, every day. Unfortunately, the swell was taking a rest too, and surfing was out of the question. We made up for it by cutting ourselves a large slice of Gâteau Basque, a buttery, crumby textured, tender cake, the local specialty. 

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

Photo: Patricia Sevilla Ciordia

Photo: Janna Strauss

Photo: Cäthe Pfläging

After two nights at the festival, enjoying the concerts, the motorcycles on display, the shows, the vendor stalls, and meeting like minded people, we set out back towards Berlin. Via various mountain passes, including Col de Cloze and Col du Tourmalet, we made our way to Camping d’Esplantats in Sarrancolin. Riding in this part of France provides routes to everyone’s liking. What a wonderful part of the world! The local bakery provided us with croissants, coffee, and even flan, the caramel pudding, before setting out the next morning. Parts of the group had split off to make their own tracks back, due to different schedules and obligations. 

Photo: Cäthe Pfläging

After a long day in the saddle, over hills and through beautiful forests, we arrived at Camping Domain LaCanal, run by a Dutch couple. Though they weren’t quite open for the season, they put us up for the night and even cooked up an enormous breakfast the next morning. A lovely campsite on a hillside, with a fantastic view down the valley. Unfortunately, I had to retire the R80 and send it home with the van due to a blown seal and insufficient time to obtain parts, repair it, and make it to Italy in time for a wedding. Similarly, the Ducati 999 had to retire as well. It had tried spreading its wings the previous day, when someone took it for a top speed test on the local highway. It overtook me with a roar unique to a desmodromic twin with an open exhaust system. Shortly after I spotted a bright red panel on the asphalt, as well as two black tyre tracks, waving and crossing each other from the left lane, into the middle lane, across the right lane, and I feared to see motorcycle and rider separated on the side of the road. Due to skill and a huge dose of luck, both rider and bike were standing upright at the next exit, though the Ducati looked a little naked. The Italian Stallion had actually succeeded in shedding its wings. The wind had caught underneath the fairing and ripped both left and right panels off, almost throwing the rider off in the process. Shaken and flabbergasted, we all took a minute to count our blessings.

Photo: Casper van der Ven

The blown seal ended the trip a little early for yours truly, but thanks to the French and Italian public transport system, I actually made it to the wedding in Italy three days later. The rest of the crew tracked back to Berlin via the French and Swiss Alps. Keen to see more? Check out this video on Nils Homann’s channel (photo & video credit: Cäthe Pfläging, Patricia Strauss, Felix Schmidt)

Photo: Cäthe Pfläging
Photo: Cäthe Pfläging

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A Modern Legend Mon, 21 Nov 2022 20:29:20 +0000 Once in a while, you strike gold! The motorcycle I’m writing about today made its first appearance in the wild at the Big Twin Show in Houten, the Netherlands, earlier this month. In our case, we got a bit (a lot) of a head’s up.

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Intro & Ingredients

Once in a while, you strike gold! The motorcycle I’m writing about today made its first appearance in the wild at the Big Twin Show in Houten, the Netherlands, earlier this month. In our case, we got a bit (a lot) of a head’s up. I have been personally involved since a frame and a few crates of parts were inspected and, after a haggle and a handshake, collected. We have previously posted about a Blast from the Past, and about a Modern Interpretation of the famous concept. While often considered the first cafe racer and the heritage of custom builds, these bikes are now considered unicorns. They often find a home in a living room or a museum, rather than a garage. A few years ago, we were brave enough to call it “one of the most legendary machines out there”. What I am referring to is the ‘Triton’, a Triumph engine in a Norton frame. These bikes were built in the UK between 1950 and 1970, in various attempts to put the fastest engine into the best handling frame.

Here, I would like to present one built in the Netherlands, in 2022. The basic recipe for a classic Triton is relatively simple:

  1. Norton (Wideline) Featherbed frame – 1pc.
  2. Triumph Pre-Unit 650 twin engine – 1pc.
  3. Roadholder fork – 1pc.

Trying to source these main components is one thing, trying to make them fit each other and look good is another… Let’s get into it!

It’s all in the details

Georges Martin, inspired by Egli, built this particular frame and swingarm based on the Norton wideline featherbed measurements. He ingeniously routed an oil line inside the frame for the crankcase breather.

Piet from Land’s End Motorcycles in Hengstdijk, the Netherlands overhauled the 650cc 360° parallel twin engine. He increased the capacity to 750cc, plugged in matching pistons, and topped it off with a T140 head to convert to a pushover exhaust. Furthermore, he installed a belt-driven Bob Newby racing clutch to transfer all 55 horses to the Norton AMC transmission. Yes, that is the same Bob Newby who won several TTs in the 1980’s. All this mounts into the frame with waterjet cut 7075-T6 aluminium brackets. Piet also serviced the Roadholder forks and mated these to the frame. He further modified the frame to also fit the polished aluminium oil tank behind the engine and underneath the seat.

Rolling along

In the front, Haan Wheels in Schijndel laced a Grimeca 4 (!!!) leading shoe hub with stainless steel spokes and a 19″ Morad high shoulder rim. The 18” rear around a weight-reduced conical hub. Both were drum-polished to achieve that top shine finish. Bridgestone Battlax BT45 rubber ensures optimal contact to the road surface.

A touch of modern

Not all on this bike is a collection of old and refurbished parts from the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, the UK, and the US.

If you look closely, the vintage Tommaselli Matador levers neighbour modern Motone CNC milled aluminium push button controls. This is one of the hints at what lies underneath the shine. When laying new wiring, one might as well go all the way and replace analog fuses and switches with a digital control unit. In this case, a MotoGadget mo.unit replaces all relays and fuses, and simultaneously simplifies the wiring. The pulse switches control the unit via a low current circuit, allowing for small diameter wires inside the clip-ons. The thicker wiring for 12 volt supply to the power draining components are thus no longer routed via the switches. Yes, I’m looking at you, H4 headlight!

The chrome headlight bucket also houses a digital voltmeter and LED indicator lights for the high beam, oil pressure, and the indicators. Bright as the sun, these tiny LED indicators are another hint at the high-tech core of the motorcycle. We concidered and accepted these modernisations, because the original manufacturer of Triumph and Norton lights, Lucas, is jokingly known as ‘the Prince of Darkness’.

When you are on the bike, you can clearly see the indicator lights and voltmeter when you peak between the original Smith’s tacho and speedo. Bob Carter in the US rebuilt these, since some things are best left to the experts.

Hand built

Behind these beautiful gauges sits la pièce de résistance, a handbuilt aluminium petrol tank. It subtly dips below the spine of the frame, yet perfectly aligns with knees where it narrows to meet the seat. Combined, the curvature of the tank and the seat play a large part in the aesthetic that stops people in their trot. They often utter something along the lines of “I have no idea what it is, but it’s beautiful”. The seat hump houses the lithium ion battery and control unit. Maarten, or Yellow Rider, Zevenaar, famous for converting Yamaha’s into vintage racers and board trackers, made it by hand, since the available humps did not follow this curvature. The broad silver band aligns with the metal strap that secures the tank. Seats are his specialty, and his craftsmanship shows!

One of the largest challenges with this build was to find parts that fit. And when you cannot find something, you fabricate it. There is a lot you can bolt on nowadays, almost all manufacturers offer parts to personalise your bike further. Aftermarket suppliers often go as far as offering various types of entire kits to convert your motorcycle. Just sometimes, your hand tools are not sufficient to fabricate the parts needed, and that’s when you call the cavalry.

Maarten also crafted the base plate and adapted the subframe hoop before it went to powder coating. RAL 6005 with a structured finish is a unique combination that is a tad lighter than the famous BRG. British Racing Green. It really makes the bike pop and sets it apart from that traditional black, chrome, red colour scheme. Finally, Maarten fabricated stainless steel actuator and anchor rods for the rear brake and gearbox, as well as the brackets for the Norton Peashooter exhausts.

Big (T)winner

At the show, we’re getting very curious about the sound. And with us, a few other people in the audience looked at the cafe racer category winner at the Big Twin Bike Show with great anticipation and hope. Luckily, after tickling the Amal 930 carbs, a firm kick draws in the air via  DNA filters, the Beck electronic ignition generates a spark, and the parallel twin roars. Just a tad louder than the crowd ;)

Um cassino on-line que oferece acesso a uma variedade de jogos de azar, incluindo caça-níqueis, roleta, pôquer e muito mais em

Photo credit: Jan Eggink Photography

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Shed Built: Kawasaki KZ650 Bomber Wed, 20 Jul 2022 11:16:33 +0000 There is a lot going on with the Kawasaki KZ from France. Owned by Sebastien Vernaison, a 39-year-old bike builder who works as a plumber during the day. In his spare time however, Sebastien creates real work of art. What he did to this KZ650SR from 1980 is nothing short of top-tier craftsmanship. We don’t [...]

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There is a lot going on with the Kawasaki KZ from France. Owned by Sebastien Vernaison, a 39-year-old bike builder who works as a plumber during the day. In his spare time however, Sebastien creates real work of art. What he did to this KZ650SR from 1980 is nothing short of top-tier craftsmanship. We don’t get to see many modified Kawasaki KZ’s, which makes this one already unique.

This isn’t Sebastien’s first rodeo. He has built a stunning Yamaha XS650 before, completely in Jap-style. It was featured in many magazines back in 2020, and for good reason too. There is definitely no lack of imagination when it comes to his old build, but also this more recent creation.

We are a sucker for nose art. Especially those from around World War 2. The first nose art started at the beginning of the 20st century, during World War 1. When fighter planes where being used in close combat. Pilots would paint their planes with menacing texts or imagine instilling fear into their opponents. Nowadays we don’t see nose art anymore in the military, but it is still regarded as art among enthusiasts around the world.

To see nose art being used on a custom motorcycle makes our hearts beat a little bit faster. But there is more to this machine than just the nose art, which has a symbol of the rising sun on the left, and shark mouth on the right, a nod to both east and west. Sebastien has managed to source a racing fairing of Norton Commando and has modified it to fit the Kawasaki seamlessly. The combination of nose art and matt green paint has been done incredible well by Cedric B Ink.

The rear of the KZ650 has been chopped and lowered, using custom shock absorbers. There is something special to these shock absorbers. They are modified for air-ride, which allows the rear of the bike to be raised or lowered at the flick of a switch. At its highest point, the clearance between the exhaust and the ground is a mere 10 centimeters! A neat feature we see in the custom car scene, but not often on a motorcycle.

The rear cowl comes from a Kawasaki Z1000ST and has been modified to fit the KZ650. The custom seat has been made by Dérouillée Sellerie and looks astonishing on this bike. The Delkevic exhaust has been modified to fit this KZ perfectly. Combined with the DNA air filters, this Kawasaki definitely breaths better now.

The front of the Kawasaki has also been lowered to accommodate for the lower stance Sebastien was going for. The fuel tank has been heavily modified, and now incorporates a fuel level indicator on the side, and a pop-up gas-cap. The electrics of the Kawasaki have been replaced with a simplified wiring harness that accommodates for the micro switches. We love the minimalistic look, especially with the large tacho front center. The Kellerman LED lights and indicators further contribute to this look. The levers are now Brembo’s, which are adjustable.

When you look at the pictures closely, you will see that the kick-starter pedal looks custom. That’s because it is, courtesy of T4 Motorcycles. What’s also custom, is the Ruroc 2.0 helmet which Sebastien has made to match the look of the bike. Small detail, but with great results!

Sebastien admits that with the ground clearance, the Kawasaki is more suitable for slow strolls than racing. Still, with the way this KZ650SR has turned out, we wouldn’t be surprised if it commanded anyone to move to right as it appears in your rear-view mirror. And all of this with a budget of no more than €6000,-.

Photo Credits: SKM

Builder details:
Seb Kustom Motorcycles

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EMBERWIND A charity project for a children’s hospice – Yamaha SR500 Street Tracker by Nils Homann and Marius Schulz Wed, 08 Jun 2022 17:55:00 +0000 “Friends of mine have lost their child at a young age to cancer. For their last days they moved into a children’s hospice. Every time I see my own daughter, I realise how incredibly lucky I am. For a while I have been looking for an opportunity to give back to the community. Now is [...]

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“Friends of mine have lost their child at a young age to cancer. For their last days they moved into a children’s hospice. Every time I see my own daughter, I realise how incredibly lucky I am. For a while I have been looking for an opportunity to give back to the community. Now is the time!” – Nils Homann

“How?”, you might wonder. Or “what does paediatric oncology have to do with motorcycles?” Allow us to introduce ‘Emberwind’, a Yamaha SR500 based Street Tracker.

What and Why

The Yamaha SR500 is a perfectly reasonable bike for any (aspiring) builder to be turned into something unique, even with limited skills or a modest budget. It is not too large, not too heavy, and not too complex. Plus,  hundreds of examples, parts, and ideas available. Further, a plethora of images,  instagram profiles, and blog posts surrounding this particular model are available online. So, why did we pick this particular one? First, it looks fantastic. And second,  rather than out of conventional motivations to build a custom bike, Emberwind was built as a charity project. It was built with the sole purpose to  be auctioned off at the end of the build. All proceeds will be donated to a children’s hospice in Berlin. Which really should be the primary reason, if we’re honest to ourselves. 

Nils Homann, motorcycle fanatic in the truest sense, wrencher, builder, producer, journalist, and YouTuber, put his head, and hands, together with Marius Schulz, from Speed Seeds. With a combined 150 years of experience (give or take) they put together 1390 single parts, 214 new parts, and 83 custom made parts, in just under 240 hours (237 to be precise) of their personal time to ensure this idea would come to fruition. And this might just be a fruit directly from the garden of Eden. 

Intimate parts

The SR 500 Street Tracker now rolls on MITAS H-18 Highway tyres (the road worthy version of their famous H-18 Flat Track tyre). These are wrapped around high shouldered XS Performance 19” rims with stainless steel spokes. The front is suspended with the stock setup, but powder coated sliders and 3D printed covers really improve the look. The rear is suspended by 340mm YSS RE302 shocks that meet the shortened frame just behind the stickered side cover. All electrics are tucked neatly behind the covers and under a handmade leather seat. Following the curvature of the subframe is the custom aluminium fender. This fender hides stainless steel supports for the licence plate, Daytona D-light SOL LED indicators, and the LED tail light in an aluminium housing. In the front a 12cm Bates style headlight provides illumination.

The speedo is a 60mm Daytona Velona without a tachometer that is clearly visible over the stock handlebars and the walnut-blasted stock controls. Yamaha single cylinder specialist MOTORITZ rebuilt the engine, which is now fueled by a Mikuni TMR 36 Flat Slide carburettor. It inhales through an K&N open filter and exhales through a polished stainless steel Mallory Drag Pipe on the other end. Above this powerhouse sits Nils’ favourite part, la pièce de résistance, and a real eye catcher: the hand painted amber coloured tank with black and white striping. 

Build process and auction

With the exception of the powder coating of the frame and the painting of the tank, which was performed by professionals externally (free of charge to support the cause), all of the work was meticulously documented and filmed. From the disassembly of the donor bike to the first ride after rebuilding it, every step can be followed in a series of YouTube tutorials and on their website Motokino. The series was filmed at Craftwerk, a community motorcycle garage, in Berlin. At the end of the series, the auction will happen there and can be followed via Live-Stream.

Besides documenting the process in such a way that anyone could build their own bike in a similar fashion, the budget was also kept in check. Luckily, due to their extensive experience, unexpected costs or surprises did not arise. Kickstarter Shop, Kedo, Supermichi von Nikon, Splett und Kahl, Jürgen, Lennert, Patricia for the photos, Felix, und Faruk provided further support during the process.

Lastly, our final question to these inspiring builders was, unsuprisingly:
“And how does it ride?”
– “Well, like the wind!”

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A Neo Café Racer to Die for – Honda CX650 by Tossa R Thu, 19 May 2022 07:38:32 +0000 “You dream it, we build it!” a strong slogan from Assen Zahariev’s garage in Sofia, Bulgaria. However, a bike this stunning out of a stock 80° longitudinal V-Twin we could not have dreamt up ourselves. Assen saw a golden opportunity in this rare motorcycle and let his inspiration flow freely. We have previously featured many [...]

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“You dream it, we build it!” a strong slogan from Assen Zahariev’s garage in Sofia, Bulgaria. However, a bike this stunning out of a stock 80° longitudinal V-Twin we could not have dreamt up ourselves. Assen saw a golden opportunity in this rare motorcycle and let his inspiration flow freely.

We have previously featured many CX500 builds, but this is our first CX650 and we are rather excited to tell you all about it! The Honda CX650 with its 673cc is the big brother of the common CX500 models. Whereas the production numbers of the latter easily exceed 180,000, the CX650 in all its versions was limited to roughly 15,000 in total, worldwide. The CX models were loaded with innovative features. Electric-only starting, low-maintenance shaft drives were found on the occasional BMW motorcycle, as were the constant vacuum carburettors, but the liquid cooling and separated ignition system were rather unique. Even though the CX650 and the CX650E looked rather similar, this one looks nothing like it did when it rolled off the production line.


Specialising in BMW motorcycles, the Honda was a bit of a side step for Tossa R. When starting a new project, especially with a bike that is novel to us, most of us start with browsing the interweb and social media, scrolling through dozens of images of custom interpretations of a particular model for ideas and inspiration. Assen went the complete opposite direction and carefully steered clear of other people’s ideas influencing his build. He turned toward the bike and toward himself, and five months later, the result is an elegant yet sporty, urban cafe racer.

With the exception of the seat by Oldman Leathers and the paint by Picasso Motor, all the work was done in-house. Yamaha R6 triple clamps and forks were swapped in to improve the suspension and handling, as well as the stopping power provided by dual floating discs with radially mounted calipers. Combined with the centrally mounted rear shock with external reservoir the suspension is fully adjustable to the rider’s needs. Above the rear shock, tucked in neatly between the downtubes of the frame, are two high flow air filters, allowing the bike to breathe more freely, and together with the custom stainless steel exhaust they bring at least 65 horses out of the stable.

Shortening the exhaust and running it underneath the engine frees up the rear wheel, but removing the side covers and shortening the tail really shifts the visual weight forwards, giving it its sporty appearance. The moon discs in the rear wheel were added to keep the bike visually grounded and balanced. A newly fabricated bracket supports the seat and the custom tail and ensures a perfect optical line from the tail through the carburetors, cylinder heads, and exhaust headers to end in the front axle, emphasising that this bike is built to ride!

The lines of the bike are further accentuated by small bar-end mirrors, a low-profile gage, and clip-ons, streamlining its profile. Electronically, the bike is decked out with high end gauges and bar-end indicators by MotoGadget, and also the head and taillight have been replaced with LEDs to bring it into the 21st century and ensure visibility. This motorcycle does not need its lights to attract attention, though. We reckon parking it at a cafe in the city centre will draw ample attention from enthusiasts, passersby, and aspiring builders!

If this has tickled your fancy, reach out to Tossa R, these bikes are built to order, and there is room for only 8 more!

Photo Credits: Tossa R

Builder details:
Tossa R

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UNIKAT”s Moto Guzzi California 1100 Wed, 16 Mar 2022 07:30:52 +0000 Regular guests It may look as if UNIKAT have a subscription on our platform. Nothing of the sort, but the Polish team just keeps on churning out pure art that we simply cannot ingnore. This time it is a 2001 Moto Guzzi California 1100, which was transformed from a nice bike to a ‘living room [...]

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Regular guests
It may look as if UNIKAT have a subscription on our platform. Nothing of the sort, but the Polish team just keeps on churning out pure art that we simply cannot ingnore.
This time it is a 2001 Moto Guzzi California 1100, which was transformed from a nice bike to a ‘living room worthy’ object of desire.

Take apart and rebuild
The motorcycle has been completely restored and rebuilt, with nothing more than the wheels, the beautiful engine and part of the frame remaining from the original design. According to our Eastern European friends “such a dramatic rebuild requires a massive amount of time and UNIQUE skills”. We second that motion, after all ‘UNIKAT’ is Polish for unique and you have to live up to that promise.

Director’s chair
The owner, Pawel, was very much involved in the project. It is not very often that BikeBrewers get such elaborate insights from the clients themselves. Here’s what he has to say: “My adventure with motorcycles began when my grandfather gave me a light green mini motorbike. It was a life-turning moment for me and something that made me feel special. Already then, I was very much drawn to personalize this small moped, of course everything was done using whatever materials were available to me, so I applied stickers, wraps, painted lettering on the tires, trimmed the fenders.

In the following years the passion developed with more motorcycles, i.e., Simson, Yamaha and Honda the crowning moment of which being when I finally parked a Harley Davidson in my garage.

For a few years I’ve been watching how motorcycles are customized all over the world, and already then, I knew that I would like to build such a motorcycle, but the possibilities and number of available places in Poland were limited. I could not make up my mind, and I wanted this project to be unique, stunning design-wise but also in terms of technical solutions. I wanted it to be professionally executed by a team of professionals.

I once read that there is a place in Wrocław that is quickly gaining recognition because of the projects it puts out of its garage.
When I arrived at their doorstep, I met the team, Grzegorz, Michał and I knew that this is a place full of passion, professionalism — and this is how we’ll build a brilliant project.”

The modifications were done under the watchful eyes of Tomasz (mechanic) and Grzegorz (designer) with the bike’s charismatic owner Paweł in his Director’s Chair.

Grzegorz: “In order to achieve the perfect look and beautiful lines of the café racer, we completely changed the geometry and design of the original frame. This required us to shorten the front suspension and use new rear shocks from Bitubo, for which we made new mounts. To complete the look, two fairings (front and rear) were made from scratch by our mate Tomasz.”

Continuing: “The use of a new accessory fuel tank was also linked to the modification of the frame by making new mounts. Since this Moto Guzzi model features a fuel injection system, we had to use an external pressure regulator and redo the whole fuel system.”
As the team were using a custom pressure regulator as mentioned above, they were able to modify the intake and exhaust system. The factory air-box was ditched in favor of a pair of K&N performance cone fitters. Out went the original exhaust to make room for minimalist slash cut tail pipes, which combined with the Guzzi V-twin, produce a unique sound!

Café racer in true style
As befits a true flesh-and-blood café racer, clip-on handlebars were mounted. These new handlebars, along with the changed frame geometry forced the Polish outfit to relocate the rider’s footpegs. As the original ones were completely unusable, a decision was made to use a set from a sports bike with a racing pedigree.

All switches on the handlebars were replaced to go for a clean and minimalistic design. Buttons and turn signals in the handlebars are from Motogadget. A new Motoscope Tiny speedometer, a LED headlamp concealed in the fairing, and a full LED rear lamp dictated creating nearly a full new wiring harness, powered by a battery that currently sits under the swingarm in a box which was custom made for this purpose.

The engine, including the transmission, did not require a complete overhaul and tuning. A proper paint job to make it shine was enough.
Wheels are from the legendary Borrani company, completed with thicker stainless-steel spokes. With such magnificent objects you obviously need a new set of tires .

Most of the parts have been polished or mirror-finished, including the wheels, front and rear suspension, valve covers, exhaust system, handlebars, triple clamps and swingarm, as well as a number of other small components. All bolts were re-galvanized or were replaced with new ones.

The bodywork, front and rear fairing were perfectly painted by Marcin, creating a coherent whole with polished and chrome-plated elements.
The entire project was finished off with a warm touch of leather elements, such as the upholstery on the seat, the construction of which was made by us from scratch, and hand-wrapped handles.

The owners perspective
Being heavily involved with the project the BikeBrewers team was interested to hear his reaction to the end result.
Pawel: “We talked a lot about the technical possibilities, aspects of working with older motorcycles, what should be included in such a project and where it needs to be included to make it unique in every way possible.
We agreed that we want to choose a motorcycle that would be an excellent base and the potential to be unique, and here it is — the Moto Guzzi California 1100.

Was it worth it? For all intents and purposes, the design was great, but it was the execution that knocked me off my feet. Perfection and pure design in every element. The motorcycle impresses with its light, simple, yet detailed design, as well as with the technical solutions.

If we can call anyone artists in the custom scene it is undoubtedly the crew of Unikat Motorworks. I am incredibly happy with the end result and the roads in Poland have just gotten a bit more beautiful with this Moto Guzzi gracing them with its presence.”

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Rothmans inspired Honda CB 750 Café Racer by JeremMotorcycles Tue, 25 Jan 2022 09:35:22 +0000 When I was 18 years old, many many years ago, I saw a Honda CB350F outside a club in Amsterdam. It looked dirty, had chrome wire spoked wheels, a little café racer seat, clubman style handle bar, no mirrors or indicators, no fenders, and a single gauge which was the tachometer. Oh, and a beautiful [...]

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When I was 18 years old, many many years ago, I saw a Honda CB350F outside a club in Amsterdam. It looked dirty, had chrome wire spoked wheels, a little café racer seat, clubman style handle bar, no mirrors or indicators, no fenders, and a single gauge which was the tachometer. Oh, and a beautiful 4-1 Marshall exhaust system. I remember the guy who owned it, walking out of the club with his leather jacket. He put the key in the ignition, got on the foot pegs, and with one firm kick he started the little Honda up. Some smoke and noise caused a dramatic effect. When he took off, the Honda sputtered, but as he accelerated, the howl the bike made was magnificent! This was my first encounter that I remember, with a café racer. It is safe to say that for this reason, Honda café racers hold a special place in my heart.

Lately we have been seeing a trend in the café racer scene. More and more builders are starting to look at the venerable Honda CB 750 to use as a base bike. We think that this could be the revival of the Honda café racers and we are digging it! Don’t get me wrong, we love seeing Triumphs, BMW’s and Moto Guzzi’s being chopped and rebuilt into tasty café racers and scramblers. But there is something about the shape and style of a JDM inline-four that catches our interest. After all, they did deliver super-bike performance for moped prices back in the day.

You may remember the name Jeremy Duchampt from some time ago. The Frenchman is responsible for two Ducati’s and a Yamaha TR-1 that we featured here on BikeBrewers not so long ago. When we received a message from the main man behind Jerem Motorcycles that he had built a Honda CB 750 Rothmans café racer, we got warm and fuzzy feelings in our bellies; we knew it had to be good! Oh boy were we in for a treat. This Honda is so elegant, the proportions are so well-balanced, it looks like the CB is doing 100 mph at stand still!

The foundation of this project is a Honda CB 750 F2, as it is officially called. A model which was produced by Honda from 1992 all the way up to 2007(!). Honda’s R&D department must have been very pleased with this, no doubt. On paper, the CB 750 produced around 75 hp and 65 Nm of torque, with a claimed weight of around 210 kg. No mind boggling specs, but there is more to it. The Seven Fifty stands out in it’s a simplicity, reliability, and overall reputation of being bulletproof.

What Jeremy did to this bike is extraordinary. The list of modifications is long, so here’s a brief summary.

• Custom front fender
• Modified subframe
• Custom café racer leather and Alcantara seat with stitching (Irina: Point saddler 34)
• Custom made cowl with integrated LED taillight (FFPro Design)
• LED bar-end indicators
• Bar-end mirrors
• LED vintage-style, round yellow headlight with custom brackets
• Keyless ignition (KAIROS RFID)
• Vintage speedo (FIVEACES)
• Laser-cut top triple clamp yoke (USVracing)
• Clip-ons with brown handlebar grips
• BREMBO brake master cylinder and levers
• Powder coated rims
• Modified rear shock absorber
• Air box removed to with DNA pod filters
• Blacked out engine, frame and swingarm
• Custom 4-in-1 exhaust
• Carb tuning
• Custom painting Rothmans Style (FFPro Design)

The way this café racer turned out is mesmerising. Growing up in the 1980s and 1990s, cigarette companies often sponsored race teams, one of which was Honda. Who remembers the NSR250, NSR500 or RC30? This Rothmans inspired design brings back memories of those days, where small displacement, high revving engines dominated the tracks and the streets. It’s not a secret that we would love to get our hands on this Honda. For now, we have to do with the pictures.

Builder details:
Jerem Motorcycles

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Shed built: Yamaha SRC600 ”Scrambler Road Cross 600” by Remco Witkamp Mon, 08 Nov 2021 11:01:03 +0000 No introduction needed The venerable Yamaha XT600 doesn’t need any introduction as far as we’re concerned. We’ve covered a number of builds the past couple of years that involved a Yamaha XT in one way or another. We can definitely see a trend going on here, and we like it! Meet Remco Witkamp from the [...]

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No introduction needed
The venerable Yamaha XT600 doesn’t need any introduction as far as we’re concerned. We’ve covered a number of builds the past couple of years that involved a Yamaha XT in one way or another. We can definitely see a trend going on here, and we like it!

Meet Remco Witkamp from the Netherlands. A classic example of a biker who loves to wrench, weld and paint. Started at a young age building MX-style mopeds, Remco also raced dirt bikes and competitions for many years.

Back in 2017, he saw something that he really liked. In this case it was a Scrambler. This gave him an itch and made him think about potentially building his own scrambler. It’s funny how an idea can turn into actions. Remco found a 1991 Yamaha XT600 for sale which ticked all the boxes for a base bike. The XT wasn’t running, but that wasn’t going to be an issue since he had plans for the powerplant anyways.

The XT600 got pulled apart and stripped to its bare bones. The frame, swingarm and handlebar got sent out to get powder-coated. All other parts were painted by the man himself, such as the fuel tank, which was sourced from a 1978 Suzuki GT250. You may look at the XT and wonder how Remco came up with this design. Well, as it turns out, he used to paint MX helmets in the 1990s, using his own designs. It is this experience that helped him come up with what we see here today.

To add some old school flavor, Remco paid tribute to the XT’s heritage and made sure that the sides are recognisable from the Yamaha XT’s of the past. A smart play with lines makes it look like the XT is moving at speed while at standstill. The devil is in the details, and this XT is full of them. The black and white paint, combined with the raw look of the modified OEM aluminium fenders and the thin red paint on various parts, it brings everything nicely together.

This Yamaha XT SCR600, as this project is called, SRC standing for “Scrambler Road Cross”, has more than just looks going for it. We’ve mentioned the fuel tank and fenders. At the front we see a ProTaper handlebar, held in place by a set of T-Tech risers. A mini speedo from Sigma (that’s right, like the bicycle speedometers!) provide the necessary info. A set of Domino grips with bar-end mirrors at the end help the rider stay in control.

Not just good looks
The suspension are courtesy of WP at the front and rear and are modified to increase the height and ground clearance. They also make sure that the Continental TKC80 rubber, which have been wrapped around 17” Takasago aluminium rims, stay connected to the road. We love the dual-sport knobby tires, they make this Scrambler look very serious. The Galfer oversize brakes ensure proper stopping power.

There are number other parts that make this XT stand out. The seat for instance, which is handmade and looks quite comfortable for a change, and rests on a completely rebuild subframe. While the front of the XT looks conservative with a classic round headlight, the rear has a bit more modern touch. LED rear-brake light with integrated indicators help to clean up the rear. You may also notice that a starter-motor is missing. That’s because this XT is a kickstart only. All the wiring has been completely replaced with new wires. The engine got a rebuild too, and got treated to a fresh layer of paint. What caught our eye was the exhaust system, which has a header that was partly made in-house, and a silencer from MPW Speedshop.

Considering that this bike was custom built by a single man in his own shed is simply mind-blowing. It is clear that Remco has “the touch”, and we truly hope that we will see more from this man’s shed.

Photo credits: Remco Witkamp

Builder details:
Remco Witkamp

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Yamaha SR500-turned-XT Vintage Scrambler by 86 Gear Motorcycles Wed, 29 Sep 2021 07:12:03 +0000 Polish Perfection Somewhere inside an industrial railway building in Warsaw, there’s a garage that turns dreams into reality. Christian Boosen, the man behind 86 Gear Motorcycles, is specialised in building café racers, street trackers, brats, scramblers, you name it. So when a customer walked in to ask for a period correct 1970s style Yamaha XT500, [...]

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Polish Perfection
Somewhere inside an industrial railway building in Warsaw, there’s a garage that turns dreams into reality. Christian Boosen, the man behind 86 Gear Motorcycles, is specialised in building café racers, street trackers, brats, scramblers, you name it. So when a customer walked in to ask for a period correct 1970s style Yamaha XT500, without having to shell out the pesos for an original XT, they couldn’t resist. On top of that, this build would be the 51st project of the 86 Gear team. Worthy of some extra attention.

Not an XT500
The motorcycle we are seeing in front of us is NOT a Yamaha XT500. We know, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck… The little surprise we have here is in fact a Yamaha SR500. Technically related to the XT500, but designed with a completely different purpose. This unit is from 1982 and would be perfect for what the owner had in mind. At least, that was until he changed his mind and pulled the plug on the project. The SR500 got cold-stacked and spent 2 years in a storage before another customer decided to take over the project and commissioned the build to continue.

In the past 5 years we have only covered a couple of builds that are based on a Yamaha XT. It is one of Yamaha’s biggest success stories and a legend. Yamaha introduced the first XT, the XT500, in 1976 with a 500cc single cylinder air-cooled engine. It was known for its tractor-like torque and power delivery. The XT also had a reputation of being absolutely bulletproof. Production halted in 1989 when the XT600 took over.

So how do you change an SR500 into an XT500? The answer is far simpler than you’d think. Most of the XT500 looks where achieved by cleaning up the SR frame and by adding an original XT500 fuel tank. The custom seat played a major role in achieving the desired look. To make it all work, the necessary mounting points had to be fabricated as well as adjusting the subframe to make the seat pan fit.

An original XT500 triple clamp was sourced to allow for taller suspension at the front. Original XT500 wheel and forks with progressive springs added flavor to this build. The rear wheel is an original SR500 unit, but the rear shocks aren’t. A set of fully adjustable YSS shocks which are longer than the original shocks help increase the ground clearance. While the rear end was being reworked, a chain tensioner was added to the rear swingarm.

The bodywork was completed with a vintage replica of an ufo enduro headlight, an original XT500 front fender, and a customised rear fender fitted with a TT500 replica tail light. In the rear they attached the famous Supertrapp 3″ series dirt bike exhaust and set it up to work with the carb. To create a real vintage look, the builders looked closely to some of the original Yamaha XT color schemes, and then decided to go with the famous 1980 XT500g monochromatic white/black/brushed metal look.

Performance work
To improve the XT’s reliability and performance, the engine was rebuilt, and the carburettor was equipped with a new set of jets. The airbox was replaced with a K&N pod filter. The wiring loom was modified to keep all the cables nearly invisible. There is no battery anymore, just a condenser. It goes without saying that the SR-turned-XT is light. Very light! It is also nimble, and has a strong pull. According to Christian, the exhaust sounds pleasing to the ear in the low and mid revs and is not too loud in high revs. It is quite easy to start, once you get the idea on how to do it correctly. Its torquey engine and comfortable riding position makes it a functional enduro bike for light trails and occasional rides. This project took about 1 year to complete.

Partners who took part in this project:
Welding – Adrian Figura from Scrambler74
Photography – Bartek Zaranek Photography
Paintjob – Lukasz Okrasko

Builder details:
86 Gear Motorcycles

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REPORT: Café Racer Fest 2021 by Café Racer Club Bulgaria Fri, 24 Sep 2021 10:40:12 +0000   Back in 2020, BikeBrewers were invited to join the first edition of the Café Racer Fest in Kyustendil, Bulgaria. Unfortunately COVID had paralyzed the world and travel restrictions caused us to miss out on that event. We followed the happening on social media while the enthusiasm of participants, visitors and bike builders vibrated through [...]

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Back in 2020, BikeBrewers were invited to join the first edition of the Café Racer Fest in Kyustendil, Bulgaria. Unfortunately COVID had paralyzed the world and travel restrictions caused us to miss out on that event.

We followed the happening on social media while the enthusiasm of participants, visitors and bike builders vibrated through our screens. We knew we missed out on something special! We made a promise there and then, that we would do everything to make it to the 2021 edition. As we are always true to our word, there was no reason not to make the trip this time.

To team members Ron and Adnane it felt nearly as good as going on a road trip even though two flights, three cars but no bikes were involved in getting from Amsterdam to Kyustendil.

Arriving close to midnight, the organizer of the Café Racer Fest and spiritual father of the event, Ivan Mushev of Bull Moto Custom, had kindly arranged transportation from Sofia airport to the ski resort up in the mountains about half an hour up from town up a dark and twisty country road with al sort of wildlife crossing our headlights.

Early start
In order to make the most of the day breakfast was served early and we took off to the centre of town. The empty square would soon be the stage of an extraordinary event, attracting an sizable crowd of both participants and spectators. On the plaza of this nearly 40.000 inhabitant’s rich city, volunteers were busy setting the stage for things to come.

The Café Racer Fest harbours not only custom bikes but also offers a stage for vintage motorcycles and cars from all makes and years. There was quite a collection of incredibly beautiful Pre-Perestroika MZ’s, Jawa’s and Ural sidecars. Truly as if time stood still.

Talking about time, it is funny what the years do with your sense of beauty. Bikes that were considered hideous in the 60’s and 70’s Western Europeans are now considered attractive by the same crowd. Thanks to younger demographics, discovering the fun in riding, Eastern Bloc classic icons such as the 60’s MZ have now grown from being more hideous than the word itself to ultra-cool! We bet there will be quite some young urban riders who would not mind to be spotted on one of those former ‘monstrosities’, were it not that in most large European cities, those two-strokes will never be seen spewing their distinguishable blue exhaust plumes again.

Ride out
Prior to the start of the event, a number of bikers and bike builders met at the local gas station for a ride out to the venue. Little over 150 bikers, nearly of which were modified in one way or another, joined in this brotherly gathering. The atmosphere was incredible; there is something quite special about seeing cafe racers being used for they were built.

Choices, choices
There were three contemporary categories; Modern Classics, Scrambler & Brat, and Café Racers. BikeBrewers were given the task of selecting the Top 3 in the “Café Racer” category. We were given about twenty projects to choose from and had about an hour to finalize our task.

As we always do when judging bikes, we put together a matrix awarding points on a scale of 1-10 for elements such as the ‘Wow!’ factor, originality, quality of work & amp; paint, and craftsmanship and set out separately to do our first independent judging.

You’d expect this to be easy and give clear comparable results. No such thing! We had quite a hefty discussion and with the clock ticking away it required a final walk around to re-evaluate our choices. At the ‘strike of twelve’ we managed to come up with a Top 3 we could both fully subscribe to.

And the winner is…
A 1994 Yamaha XV1100 had scored high points on both our lists and was chosen ‘Best of show’ in this year’s Café Racer category. Its owner, Borislav Alexsov, has put quite a lot of hours in building this machine and is rightfully proud of the result. 2nd place went to Vencislav Angelov with his stunning 1984 Honda CBX 750, and 3rd place went to Kaloian Ivanchev Chekelev with his very cool BMW R75 which saw daylight in 1982.

All top 3 finalists were showered with gifts from local sponsors. To top it off BikeBrewers’ came bearing gifts from our partners Felix Auto Moto and SA1NT! adding a helmet and a sought after twill trucker cap to the basket of each of the category winners!

Come rain come shine
Bulgarians have been spoiled with loads of sunshine over the past couple of months. Unfortunately, rain was predicted during the hours of the event. The start of the award ceremony for the café racer category was launched with a clap of thunder followed by a slight drizzle. That made us feel like home instantly.

Luckily the audience was not scared away that easily, and there was quite a cheer from the several hundred people on the square. According to the organizers, the total attendance during this year’s edition the audience grew with 20% to around 2.500 visitors who meandered amongst all the beauty displayed on the town square this morning.

The next edition
Writing this post just before the party organized by the Cafe Racer Club Bulgaria, we are already spoiled by the kindness of the Bulgarians we met on the way, especially by the members of the café racer community.

As much as we love attending established events in Western European countries, we are always on the lookout for new, exciting and more grass roots experiences. This scene is way bigger and vibrant than you would ever dare to imagine. Everyone we met was proud of the results of their labour and insights are shared freely among this close-knit society.

We will be back for sure and hope the organizers can look forward to an even bigger crowd in 2022. Being the only international visitors this year, we share our experience with the knowledge that this is likely to be the last time we enjoyed this exclusivity.

Given the fact that there is a very lively local scene and magnificent twisty country roads and awesome virgin off road tracks to be travelled freely, it is likely many adventurous bikers from the West will be heading East next year.

Photos by:
Georgi Georgiev Photography
Kalina Kalcheva

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